
Hautecler Paul-Christian

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Occhiuto, Rita  (6)
Goossens, Marc  (2)
Janssen, Anne-Michèle  (2)
Baldin, Elisa  (1)
De Fijter, Arie (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Architecture Guide (1); atelier architecture et paysage (1); Expérience et raisons du paysage (1); future of the past (1); lecture-écriture territoriale (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Centre de recherche Lepur (1)
Lab VTP Ville- Territoire-Paysage Faculté d'Architecture - ULG (1)
Laboratoire Ville-Territoire-Paysage (Lab VTP) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Architecture (5)
Environmental sciences & ecology (2)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 6)

The most downloaded
Occhiuto, R., De Fijter, A. (Other coll.), & Hautecler, P.-C. (Other coll.). (2013). The Future of the Past: Architectural Heritage Guides as Handbooks for City Decoding and as a Blueprints for Urban design. Actes du Colloque.

Occhiuto, R., Goossens, M., Hautecler, P.-C., Henry, B., Janssen, A.-M., Wuytack, K., Baldin, E., & Peeters, A. (Other coll.). (13 June 2019). Archi-écritures et Pay(S)ages en pro-jet: Recherche et ateliers d'Architecture et de Paysage [Paper presentation]. 3e séminaire du Réseau « Ville, Territoire, Paysage », Versailles, France.

Occhiuto, R., & Hautecler, P.-C. (26 September 2015). Industrial Landscape between Modernity and Tradiion: What Meaning to Accompany Change by the Project? [Paper presentation]. ISUF 2015 XXII International Conference: City as an organism - New Vision for Urban Life, Roma, Italy.

Occhiuto, R., Hautecler, P.-C., & Janssen, A.-M. (23 June 2014). Projet et Ressources naturelles pour une dialectique en devenir [Paper presentation]. Le Droit à la Ville Durable, Kinshasa République Démocratique Congo, Congo - Brazzaville.

Occhiuto, R., De Fijter, A. (Other coll.), & Hautecler, P.-C. (Other coll.). (2013). The Future of the Past: Architectural Heritage Guides as Handbooks for City Decoding and as a Blueprints for Urban design. Actes du Colloque.
Peer reviewed

Occhiuto, R., & Hautecler, P.-C. (August 2012). Il paesaggio come condizione della sostenibilità urbana: il Parco della Boverie a Liegi [Paper presentation]. NATURALMENTE....ARCHITETTURA, Camerino, Italy.

Fisher, A., Goossens, M., Occhiuto, R., Hautecler, P.-C., & Houbart, C. (March 2012). Vers une politique active du patrimoine dans le SDER nouveau. Cahiers Nouveaux (Les), 81, 17-23.

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