
Miglio Andrea

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Montalban Iglesias, Josefa  (51)
Grötsch-Noels, Arlette  (41)
Dupret, Marc-Antoine  (21)
Morel, Thierry  (14)
Aerts, C. (12)
Main Referenced Keywords
stars: oscillations (22); stars: interiors (14); stars: evolution (8); stars: fundamental parameters (6); asteroseismology (5);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics (62)

Publications (total 62)

The most downloaded
Bedding, T. R., Mosser, B., Huber, D., Montalban Iglesias, J., Beck, P., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Elsworth, Y. P., García, R. A., Miglio, A., Stello, D., White, T. R., De Ridder, J., Hekker, S., Aerts, C., Barban, C., Belkacem, K., Broomhall, A.-M., Brown, T. M., Buzasi, D. L., ... Ventura, P. (01 March 2011). Gravity modes as a way to distinguish between hydrogen- and helium-burning red giant stars. Nature, 471, 608-611. doi:10.1038/nature09935

The most cited

464 citations (Scopus®)

Bedding, T. R., Mosser, B., Huber, D., Montalban Iglesias, J., Beck, P., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Elsworth, Y. P., García, R. A., Miglio, A., Stello, D., White, T. R., De Ridder, J., Hekker, S., Aerts, C., Barban, C., Belkacem, K., Broomhall, A.-M., Brown, T. M., Buzasi, D. L., ... Ventura, P. (01 March 2011). Gravity modes as a way to distinguish between hydrogen- and helium-burning red giant stars. Nature, 471, 608-611. doi:10.1038/nature09935

Bétrisey, J., Pezzotti, C., Buldgen, G., Khan, S., Eggenberger, P., Salmon, S., & Miglio, A. (2021). Kepler-93 : a testbed for detailed seismic modelling and orbital evolution of super-earths around solar-like stars [Paper presentation]. Plato Mission Conference 2021.
Peer reviewed

Noels-Grötsch, A., Godart, M., Salmon, S., Gabriel, M., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Miglio, A. (2015). Asteroseismology of Massive Stars: Some Words of Caution. In G. Meynet, C. Georgy, J. Groh, ... P. Stee (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union S307 (pp. 470-479). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/S1743921314007418

Beck, P. G., Montalban Iglesias, J., Kallinger, T., De Ridder, J., Aerts, C., García, R. A., Hekker, S., Dupret, M.-A., Mosser, B., Eggenberger, P., Stello, D., Elsworth, Y., Frandsen, S., Carrier, F., Hillen, M., Gruberbauer, M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Miglio, A., Valentini, M., ... Ibrahim, K. A. (01 January 2012). Fast core rotation in red-giant stars as revealed by gravity-dominated mixed modes. Nature, 481, 55-57. doi:10.1038/nature10612
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Morel, T., & Miglio, A. (01 January 2012). Assessing the accuracy of the surface gravity determination in late-type stars with solar-like pulsators. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, 34-L38. doi:10.1111/j.1745-3933.2011.01172.x
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Degroote, P., Acke, B., Samadi, R., Aerts, C., Kurtz, D. W., Noels-Grötsch, A., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Bloemen, S., Baglin, A., Baudin, F., Catala, C., Michel, & Auvergne, M. (01 December 2011). CoRoT's view on variable B8/9 stars: spots versus pulsations. Evidence for differential rotation in HD 174648. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 536, 82. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116802
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Morel, T., Miglio, A., & Valentini, M. (01 December 2011). Using seismic targets as benchmarks for spectroscopic analyses of cool stars. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 328, 2010. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/328/1/012010
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Mosser, B., Barban, C., Montalban Iglesias, J., Beck, P. G., Miglio, A., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., Hekker, S., De Ridder, J., Dupret, M.-A., Elsworth, Y., Noels-Grötsch, A., Baudin, F., Michel, E., Samadi, R., Auvergne, M., Baglin, A., & Catala, C. (01 August 2011). Mixed modes in red-giant stars observed with CoRoT. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 532, 86. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116825
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di Mauro, M. P., Cardini, D., Catanzaro, G., Ventura, R., Barban, C., Bedding, T. R., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., De Ridder, J., Hekker, S., Huber, D., Kallinger, T., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Mosser, B., Stello, D., Uytterhoeven, K., Kinemuchi, K., Kjeldsen, H., Mullally, F., & Still, M. (01 August 2011). Solar-like oscillations from the depths of the red-giant star KIC 4351319 observed with Kepler. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415, 3783-3797. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18996.x
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Bouabid, M.-P., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2011). Theoretical seismic properties of pre-main sequence γ Doradus pulsators. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 531, 145. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116440
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Beck, P. G., Bedding, T. R., Mosser, B., Stello, D., Garcia, R., Kallinger, T., Hekker, S., Elsworth, Y., Frandsen, S., Carrier, F., De Ridder, J., Aerts, C., White, T. R., Huber, D., Dupret, M.-A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Chaplin, W. J., ... Jenkins, J. M. (01 April 2011). Kepler Detected Gravity-Mode Period Spacings in a Red Giant Star. Science, 332, 205. doi:10.1126/science.1201939
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Bedding, T. R., Mosser, B., Huber, D., Montalban Iglesias, J., Beck, P., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Elsworth, Y. P., García, R. A., Miglio, A., Stello, D., White, T. R., De Ridder, J., Hekker, S., Aerts, C., Barban, C., Belkacem, K., Broomhall, A.-M., Brown, T. M., Buzasi, D. L., ... Ventura, P. (01 March 2011). Gravity modes as a way to distinguish between hydrogen- and helium-burning red giant stars. Nature, 471, 608-611. doi:10.1038/nature09935
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Chaplin, W. J., Kjeldsen, H., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Basu, S., Miglio, A., Appourchaux, T., Bedding, T. R., Elsworth, Y., García, R. A., Gilliland, R. L., Girardi, L., Houdek, G., Karoff, C., Kawaler, S. D., Metcalfe, T. S., Molenda-Zakowicz, J., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Thompson, M. J., Verner, G. A., ... Klaus, T. C. (2011). Ensemble asteroseismology of solar-type stars with the NASA kepler mission. Science, 332 (6026), 213-216. doi:10.1126/science.1201827
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., & Ventura, P. (01 December 2010). Inference from adiabatic analysis of solar-like oscillations in red giants. Astronomische Nachrichten, 331, 1010. doi:10.1002/asna.201011447
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Salmon, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., Morel, T., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (09 October 2010). Can an underestimation of opacity explain B-type pulsators in the SMC? Astronomische Nachrichten, 331 (9-10).

Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., & Ventura, P. (01 October 2010). Seismic Diagnostics of Red Giants: First Comparison with Stellar Models. Astrophysical Journal. Letters, 721, 182-L188. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/721/2/L182
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Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Carrier, F., De Ridder, J., Mosser, B., Eggenberger, P., Scuflaire, R., Ventura, P., D'Antona, F., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Baglin, A. (01 September 2010). Evidence for a sharp structure variation inside a red-giant star. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 520, 6. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201015442
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Noels-Grötsch, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Godart, M., & Ventura, P. (01 July 2010). Overshooting and semiconvection: structural changes and asteroseismic signatures. Astrophysics and Space Science, 328, 227-236. doi:10.1007/s10509-009-0203-7
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Chaplin, W. J., Appourchaux, T., Elsworth, Y., García, R. A., Houdek, G., Karoff, C., Metcalfe, T. S., Molenda-Żakowicz, J., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Thompson, M. J., Brown, T. M., Guzik, J. A., Hale, S. J., Ireland, M. J., Kiss, L. L., Kitiashvili, I. N., Kolenberg, K., Korhonen, H., Kosovichev, A. G., ... Gruberbauer, M. (01 April 2010). The Asteroseismic Potential of Kepler: First Results for Solar-Type Stars. Astrophysical Journal. Letters, 713, 169-L175. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/713/2/L169
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Bedding, T. R., Huber, D., Stello, D., Elsworth, Y. P., Hekker, S., Kallinger, T., Mathur, S., Mosser, B., Preston, H. L., Ballot, J., Barban, C., Broomhall, A. M., Buzasi, D. L., Chaplin, W. J., Garcí­a, R. A., Gruberbauer, M., Hale, S. J., De Ridder, J., Frandsen, S., ... Weiss, A. (01 April 2010). Solar-like Oscillations in Low-luminosity Red Giants: First Results from Kepler. Astrophysical Journal, 713, 176-L181. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/713/2/L176
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Stello, D., Basu, S., Bruntt, H., Mosser, B., Stevens, I. R., Brown, T. M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Gilliland, R. L., Kjeldsen, H., Arentoft, T., Ballot, J., Barban, C., Bedding, T. R., Chaplin, W. J., Elsworth, Y. P., García, R. A., Goupil, M.-J., Hekker, S., Huber, D., ... Jenkins, J. M. (01 April 2010). Detection of Solar-like Oscillations from Kepler Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 6819. Astrophysical Journal. Letters, 713, 182-L186. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/713/2/L182
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Degroote, P., Aerts, C., Baglin, A., Miglio, A., Briquet, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., Niemczura, E., Montalban Iglesias, J., Bloemen, S., Oreiro, R., Vučković, M., Smolders, K., Auvergne, M., Baudin, F., Catala, C., & Michel, E. (01 March 2010). Deviations from a uniform period spacing of gravity modes in a massive star. Nature, 464, 259-261. doi:10.1038/nature08864
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Carrier, F., Morel, T., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Auvergne, M., Baglin, A., Baudin, F., Barban, C., Catala, C., D'antona, F., De Ridder, J., Eggenberger, P., Hatzes, A., Hekker, S., Kallinger, T., Michel, E., Noels-Grötsch, A., Poretti, E., Rainer, M., ... Weiss. (2010). The red-giant CoRoT target HR 7349. Astrophysics and Space Science, 328, 83. doi:10.1007/s10509-009-0171-y
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Mosser, B., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., Miglio, A., Morel, T., Barban, C., Baudin, F., Hekker, S., Samadi, R., De Ridder, J., Weiss, W., Auvergne, M., & Baglin, A. (2010). Red-giant seismic properties analyzed with CoRoT. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 517, 22. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201014036
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Bouabid, M.-P., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2010). Theoretical study of γ Doradus pulsations in pre-main sequence stars. Astronomische Nachrichten, 331, 1044. doi:10.1002/asna.201011453
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Eggenberger, P., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Moreira, O., Noels-Grötsch, A., Meynet, G., & Maeder, A. (01 January 2010). Effects of rotation on the evolution and asteroseismic properties of red giants. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 509, 72. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912897
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Carrier, F., De Ridder, J., Baudin, F., Barban, C., Hatzes, A. P., Hekker, S., Kallinger, T., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Morel, T., Weiss, W. W., Auvergne, M., Baglin, A., Catala, C., Michel, E., & Samadi, R. (01 January 2010). Non-radial oscillations in the red giant HR 7349 measured by CoRoT. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 509, 73. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912749
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Degroote, P., Aerts, C., Ollivier, M., Miglio, A., Debosscher, J., Cuypers, J., Briquet, M., Montalban Iglesias, J., Thoul, A., De Cat, P., Balaguer-Núñez, L., Maceroni, C., Ribas, I., Auvergne, M., Baglin, A., Deleuil, M., Weiss, W. W., Jorda, L., Baudin, F., ... Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 October 2009). CoRoT's view of newly discovered B-star pulsators: results for 358 candidate B pulsators from the initial run's exoplanet field data. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506, 471-489. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200911884
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Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Montalban Iglesias, J., Moreira, O., Miglio, A., Godart, M., Ventura, P., Ludwig, H.-G., Grigahcène, A., Goupil, M.-J., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Caffau, E. (01 October 2009). Theoretical amplitudes and lifetimes of non-radial solar-like oscillations in red giants. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506, 57-67. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200911713
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Briquet, M., Uytterhoeven, K., Morel, T., Aerts, C., De Cat, P., Mathias, P., Lefever, K., Miglio, A., Poretti, E., Marti­n-Ruiz, S., Paparo, M., Rainer, M., Carrier, F., Gutierrez-Soto, J., Valtier, J. C., Benko, J. M., Bognar, Z., Niemczura, E., Amado, P. J., ... Garrido, R. (01 October 2009). Ground-based observations of the beta Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180 642: abundance analysis and mode identification. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506, 269-280. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912025
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Salmon, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Morel, T., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 September 2009). The Enigma of B-type Pulsators in the SMC. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1170, 385-387. doi:10.1063/1.3246521

Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Eggenberger, P., Hekker, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Bradley, P. A. (01 September 2009). Asteroseismology of red-clump stars with CoRoT and Kepler. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1170, 132-136. doi:10.1063/1.3246424
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Briquet, M., Uytterhoeven, K., Morel, T., Aerts, C., De Cat, P., Mathias, P., Lefever, K., Miglio, A., Poretti, E., Marti­n-Ruiz, S., Paparo, M., Rainer, M., Carrier, F., Gutierrez-Soto, J., Valtier, J. C., Benko, J. M., Bognar, Z., Niemczura, E., Amado, P. J., ... Garrido, R. (2009). An asteroseismic study of the beta Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180642: results from the ground-based campaign. In American Institute of Physics Conference Series (pp. 394-396). doi:10.1063/1.3246524

Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Baudin, F., Eggenberger, P., Noels-Grötsch, A., Hekker, S., De Ridder, J., Weiss, W., & Baglin, A. (01 September 2009). Probing populations of red giants in the galactic disk with CoRoT [letter to the editor]. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 503, 21-L24. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912822
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Bouabid, M.-P., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Bradley, P. A. (01 September 2009). Hybrid γ Doradus/δ Scuti Stars: Comparison Between Observations and Theory. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1170, 477-479. doi:10.1063/1.3246547
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Degroote, P., Miglio, A., Debosscher, J., Montalban Iglesias, J., Cuypers, J., Briquet, M., De Cat, P., Thoul, A., Morel, T., Niemczura, E., Balaguer-Nunez, L., Maceroni, C., Ribas, I., Noels-Grötsch, A., Aerts, C., Auvergne, M., Baglin, A., Catala, C., Deleuil, M., ... Samadi, R. (01 July 2009). Space observations of B stars with CoRoT. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 167.
Peer reviewed

Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Eggenberger, P., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2009). Discriminating between overshooting and rotational mixing in massive stars: any help from asteroseismology? Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 233-238.
Peer reviewed

Briquet, M., Uytterhoeven, K., Aerts, C., Morel, T., De Cat, P., Miglio, A., Mathias, P., Lefever, K., Poretti, E., Marti­n-Ruiz, S., Paparo, M., Rainer, M., Carrier, F., Gutierrez-Soto, J., Valtier, J. C., Benko, J. M., Bognar, Z., Amado, P. J., Suarez, J. C., ... Garrido, R. (01 July 2009). Ground-based observations of the beta Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180642. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 292.
Peer reviewed

Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., & Morel, T. (01 July 2009). Uncertainties in the chemical composition of B-type stars: effects on the opacity and on the excitation of pulsation modes. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 288.
Peer reviewed

Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Goupil, M.-J., Lefèvre, L., Baudin, F., Deheuvels, S., Dupret, M.-A., Appourchaux, T., Scuflaire, R., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Michel, E., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Thoul, A., Talon, S. L. S., Baglin, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (19 June 2009). Solar-Like Oscillations in a Massive Star. Science, 324, 1540-1542. doi:10.1126/science.1171913
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Degroote, P., Aerts, C., Ollivier, M., Miglio, A., Debosscher, J., Cuypers, J., Briquet, M., Montalban Iglesias, J., Thoul, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., De Cat, P., Balaguer-Nunez, L., Maceroni, C., Ribas, I., Auvergne, M., Baglin, A., Deleuil, M., Weiss, W., Jorda, L., ... Samadi, R. (2009). CoRot B star frequency analysis (Degroote+, 2009).

Bouabid, M.-P., Uytterhoeven, K., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Dupret, M.-A., Niemczura, E., Mathias, P., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Grigahcene, A. (01 December 2008). Preliminary seismic study of the gamma Doradus COROT target HD 49434. Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 290-291.
Peer reviewed

Michel, E., Baglin, A., Weiss, W. W., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Aerts, C., Appourchaux, T., Barban, C., Baudin, F., Briquet, M., Carrier, F., Degroote, P., De Ridder, J., Garcia, R. A., Garrido, R., Gutiérrez-Soto, J., Kallinger, T., Lefevre, L., Neiner, C., ... Zwintz, K. (01 December 2008). First asteroseismic results from CoRoT. Communications in Asteroseismology, 156, 73-87.
Peer reviewed

Hu, H., Dupret, M.-A., Aerts, C., Nelemans, G., Kawaler, S. D., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Scuflaire, R. (01 October 2008). A seismic approach to testing different formation channels of subdwarf B stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 490, 243-252. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200810233
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Dupret, M.-A., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Grigahcène, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 October 2008). Driving and damping mechanisms in hybrid pressure-gravity modes pulsators. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 118, 2020. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012020

Uytterhoeven, K., Poretti, E., Rainer, M., Mantegazza, L., Zima, W., Aerts, C., Morel, T., Miglio, A., Lefever, K., Amado, P. J., Marti­n-Ruiz, S., Mathias, P., Valtier, J. C., Paparo, M., & Benko, J. M. (01 October 2008). Close-up of primary and secondary asteroseismic CoRoT targets and the ground-based follow-up observations. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 118, 2077. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012077
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (01 August 2008). Grids of stellar models and frequencies with CLÉS + LOSC. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 179-185. doi:10.1007/s10509-007-9718-y
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Scuflaire, R., Théado, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Bourge, P.-O., Godart, M., Thoul, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 August 2008). CLÉS, Code Liégeois d'Évolution Stellaire. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 83-91. doi:10.1007/s10509-007-9650-1
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Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Eggenberger, P., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2008). Gravity modes and mixed modes as probes of stellar cores in main-sequence stars: From solar-like to β Cep stars. Astronomische Nachrichten, 329, 529-534. doi:10.1002/asna.200710991
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Eggenberger, P., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2008). The effect of turbulent mixing on g-modes spectrum of MS stars. Astronomische Nachrichten, 329, 535. doi:10.1002/asna.200710992
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Lebreton, Y., Miglio, A., Scuflaire, R., Morel, P., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2008). Thorough analysis of input physics in CESAM and CLÉS codes. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316 (1-4), 219-229. doi:10.1007/s10509-008-9803-x
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Scuflaire, R., Montalban Iglesias, J., Théado, S., Bourge, P.-O., Miglio, A., Godart, M., Thoul, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2008). The Liège Oscillation code. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 149-154. doi:10.1007/s10509-007-9577-6
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Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Eggenberger, P. (2008). Probing the properties of convective cores through g modes: high-order g modes in SPB and γ Doradus stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 386 (3), 1487-1502. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13112.x
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Eggenberger, P., Miglio, A., Carrier, F., Fernandes, J., & Santos, N. C. (2008). Asteroseismic observations and modelling of 70 Ophiuchi AB. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 118 (1), 012053. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012053

Miglio, A. (2007). Asteroseismic probing of the internal structure of main-sequence stars [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 August 2007). Revised instability domains of SPB and beta Cephei stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 151, 48-56. doi:10.1553/cia151s48
Peer reviewed

Miglio, A., Bourge, P.-O., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 June 2007). Instability strips of main sequence B stars: a parametric study of iron enhancement. Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 209. doi:10.1553/cia150s209
Peer reviewed

Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 February 2007). Instability strips of slowly pulsating B stars and beta Cephei stars: the effect of the updated OP opacities and of the metal mixture. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 375, 21-L25. doi:10.1111/j.1745-3933.2006.00267.x
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Briquet, M., Morel, T., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Dupret, M.-A., & Aerts, C. (2007). An asteroseismic study of the β cephei star θ ophiuchi : constraints on global stellar parameters and core overshooting. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 381 (4), 1482-1488. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12142.x
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Dupret, M.-A., Miglio, A., Grigahcène, A., & Montalban Iglesias, J. (2007). Theoretical aspects of g-mode pulsations in γ Doradus stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 98.
Peer reviewed

Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Theado, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Grevesse, N. (01 January 2006). The new solar abundances - Part II: the crisis and possible solutions. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 80-84. doi:10.1553/cia147s80
Peer reviewed

Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 January 2006). Effects of extra-mixing processes on the periods of high-order gravity modes in main-sequence stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 89-92. doi:10.1553/cia147s89
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Grevesse, N., & di Mauro, M. P. (2004). Solar Model with CNO Revised Abundances. In D. Danesy (Ed.), Proceedings of the SOHO 14 / GONG 2004 Workshop (ESA SP-559). "Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future" (pp. 574).
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