
Detrembleur Sylvain

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Pirotton, Michel  (149)
Archambeau, Pierre  (106)
Dewals, Benjamin  (106)
Erpicum, Sébastien  (87)
Ernst, Julien  (19)
Main Referenced Keywords
finite volume (13); Climate change (7); Meuse (7); climate change (6); Flood (6);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Aquapôle - ULiège [BE] (82)
Deltares (1)
Flanders Hydraulics Research (1)
Hydraulics in Environment and civil engineering (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Civil engineering (149)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Sociology & social sciences (2)
Materials science & engineering (1)
Environmental sciences & ecology (1)

Publications (total 153)

The most downloaded
Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (01 July 2009). Modélisation numérique et gestion du risque inondation - Retour d'expérience sur les modèles topographiques à haute résolution. Techniques - Sciences - Methodes, 7/8 (2009), 23-29. doi:10.1051/tsm/200907023

The most cited

120 citations (Scopus®)

Ernst, J.* , Dewals, B.* , Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (15 May 2010). Micro-scale flood risk analysis based on detailed 2D hydraulic modelling and high resolution geographic data. Natural Hazards, 55 (2), 181-209. doi:10.1007/s11069-010-9520-y

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Detrembleur, S., Stilmant, F., Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., & Pirotton, M. (July 2015). Impacts of climate change on future flood damage on the river Meuse, with a distributed uncertainty analysis. Natural Hazards, 77 (3), 1533-1549. doi:10.1007/s11069-015-1661-6
Peer reviewed

Beckers, A., Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Dujardin, S., Detrembleur, S., Teller, J., Pirotton, M., & Archambeau, P. (September 2013). Contribution of land use changes to future flood damage along the river Meuse in the Walloon region. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13, 2301-2318. doi:10.5194/nhess-13-2301-2013
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Ernst, J., & Pirotton, M. (2011). Caractérisation micro-échelle du risque d’inondation : modélisation hydraulique détaillée et quantification des impacts socio-économiques. Houille Blanche, (2), 28-34. doi:10.1051/lhb/2011015
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., & Pirotton, M. (2011). Failure of dams arranged in series or in complex. Natural Hazards, 56 (3), 917-939. doi:10.1007/s11069-010-9600-z
Peer reviewed

Ernst, J.* , Dewals, B.* , Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (15 May 2010). Micro-scale flood risk analysis based on detailed 2D hydraulic modelling and high resolution geographic data. Natural Hazards, 55 (2), 181-209. doi:10.1007/s11069-010-9520-y
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Detailed inundation modelling using high resolution DEMs. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2 (4), 196-208.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (01 July 2009). Modélisation numérique et gestion du risque inondation - Retour d'expérience sur les modèles topographiques à haute résolution. Techniques - Sciences - Methodes, 7/8 (2009), 23-29. doi:10.1051/tsm/200907023
Peer reviewed

Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., & Pirotton, M. (2009). A 2D vertical finite volume solver using a level set approach for simulating free surface incompressible flows. Revue-M. Mécanique, 2009 (3), 4-9.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2008). Hétérogénéité des échelles spatio-temporelles d'écoulements hydrosédimentaires et modélisation numérique. Houille Blanche, (5), 109-114. doi:10.1051/LHB:2008064
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). Depth-integrated flow modelling taking into account bottom curvature. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 44 (6), 787-795. doi:10.1080/00221686.2006.9521729
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Beckers, A., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Dujardin, S., Erpicum, S., Teller, J., Pirotton, M., & Archambeau, P. (28 February 2013). Evolution du risque lié aux inondations de la Meuse : Influences relatives du climat et de la croissance des zones résidentielles [Paper presentation]. Les jeudis de l'Aquapôle, Liège, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Lejeune, A., & Pirotton, M. (2020). Interactions between numerical and physical modelling for the design and optimization of hydraulic structures - Example of a large hydroelectric complex. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, XXII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráhulica. La Sociedad Venezolana de Ingenieria Hidraulica (SVIH).
Peer reviewed

Becker, B., Patzke, S., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Kufeld, M., Moeskops, S., de Keizer, O., Fournier, M., Vanneuville, W., Buiteveld, H., Schüttrumpf, H., Pirotton, M., & Reggiani, P. (22 March 2012). AMICE: erste internationale Modellrechnung der Maas. Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 12 (31), 165-170.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Becker, B., Moeskops, S., Erpicum, S., de Keizer, O., Vanneuville, W., Buiteveld, H., Pirotton, M., & Archambeau, P. (2012). Transboundary assessment of the effect of climate change on river Meuse: flood wave selection for hydraulic modelling from Ampsin (B) to Maaseik (NL). In Proc. 2nd IAHR Europe Congress: Water - infinitely deformable but still limited.
Peer reviewed

Rulot, F., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., & Dewals, B. (2012). Multidimensional flow modelling to guide hydromorphological restoration of an Alpine river. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012. Helmut Mader & Julia Kraml.
Peer reviewed

Gouverneur, L., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2011). Flood risk analysis in the Meuse river basin. In Urban Flood Risk Management.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2011). Depth-averaged flowslides model: validation and application to tailings dams and waste dumps failures. In H. Chanson (Ed.), Proc. of the 34th IAHR World Congress: Balance and Uncertainty: Water in a Changing World.
Peer reviewed

Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2011). 2D-Vertical Model for Free Surface Incompressible Flows: Validation and Applications. In Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress - Balance and Uncertainty (pp. 4079-4086). Engineers Australia.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., Demny, G., Rose, T., Homann, C., Lange, J., Huber, N. P., Sinaba, B., & Schüttrumpf, H. (2011). Incorporating climate change scenarios into new operating rules for large reservoirs: a transnational assessment in the Meuse basin. In A. Schleiss (Ed.), Dams and Reservoirs under changing Challenges. Taylor and Francis.
Peer reviewed

Studer, L., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Pirotton, M., & Habraken, A. (June 2010). Modeling the vertical spincasting of large bimetallic rolling mill rolls. Key Engineering Materials, 443, 15-20. doi:10.4028/
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Caractérisation micro-échelle du risque d’inondation : modélisation hydraulique détaillée et impacts socio-économiques. In Risque d'Inondation en Ile de France, 100 ans après les crues de 1910 (pp. 137-144). Paris, France: SHF.
Peer reviewed

Ernst, J., Coninx, I., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Erpicum, S., Bachus, K., & Pirotton, M. (2009). Planning flood risk reducing measures based on combined hydraulic and socio-economic impact modelling at a micro-scale. In S. E. Christodoulou, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Water Resources Conservancy and Risk Reduction Under Climatic Uncertainty (pp. 411-418). Limassol, Cyprus: EWRA.
Peer reviewed

Kerger, F., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2009). Hydrodynamic forces acting on vertically translating bodies in free surface water. In WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 105, Fluid Structure Interaction V (pp. 183-193). United Kingdom: WIT Press. doi:10.2495/FSI090171
Peer reviewed

Ernst, J., Coninx, I., Dewals, B., & Detrembleur, S. (2009). Social Flood Impacts in Urban Areas: Integration of Detailed Flow Modelling and Social Analysis. In Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress: Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment (pp. 6820-6827). Vancouver, Canada: IAHR.
Peer reviewed

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2009). Detailed 2D hydraulic modelling as a support for selecting adaptation measures. In H. Schüttrumpf (Ed.), Wasserwirtschaft und Klimawandel - Fakten, Folgen und Aufgaben (pp. 1-G/31). Aachen, Germany: Shaker.
Peer reviewed

Studer, L., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Pirotton, M., & Habraken, A. (2009). Modeling the Vertical Spincasting of Large Bimetallic Rolling Mill Rolls. In J. Ambrosio (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference.
Peer reviewed

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2008). Modélisation hydrodynamique 2D et SIG à haute résolution pour l’évaluation de mesures de protection contre les inondations en milieu urbain. In 3e journées doctorales en hydrologie urbaine.
Peer reviewed

Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2008). Modélisation numérique et gestion du risque inondation en milieu urbain sur base de modèles topographiques à haute résolution. In 3e journées doctorales en hydrologie urbaine.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2008). Detailed flood extension forecasting in the Walloon region with a 2D finite volume multiblock free surface flow solver. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Studer, L., Detrembleur, S., Habraken, A., Pirotton, M., Pascon, F., & Dewals, B. (2008). Modelling the vertical spincasting of large bimettalic rolling mill rolls. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes (ICASP-2).
Peer reviewed

Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2008). An explicit projection method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2008). Detailed 2D flow simulations as an onset for evaluating socio-economic impacts of floods. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Flood Risk Management - FloodRisk 2008 (pp. 125-135).
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2008). Detailed 2D numerical modeling for flood extension forecasting. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics: River Flow 2008.
Peer reviewed

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2008). Integration of accurate 2D inundation modelling, vector land use database and economic damage evaluation. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Flood Risk Management - FloodRisk 2008 (pp. 1643-1653). Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2008). A 2D finite volume multiblock flow solver applied to flood extension forecasting. In P. García-Navarro & E. Playán, Numerical modelling of hydrodynamics for water ressources (pp. 321-325). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
Peer reviewed

Kerger, F., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2008). An experimental analysis of effects induced by moving bodies in shallow water. In Proc. 2nd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2007). Sensitivity analysis of the peak outflow induced by the breaching of embankment dams. In P. Rutschmann (Ed.), Berichte des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft (volume 115, pp. 86-92). Technische Universität München.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2007). Hétérogénéité des échelles spatio-temporelles d’écoulements hydrosédimentaires et modélisation numérique. In Articles du colloque Transports solides et gestion des sédiments en milieux naturels et urbains. SHF.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2007). Identification d’impacts locaux du changement climatique et évaluation de mesures d’adaptation grâce aux modèles hydrologiques et hydrodynamiques Wolf. In Actes du colloques Variations climatiques et hydrologie. Société Hydrotechnique de France.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2007). Reservoirs to mitigate flood events on the River Ourthe in Belgium. In Proceedings of the 75th Annual Meeting of the International Committee on Large Dams. ICOLD.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2007). Analysis and application of two complementary numerical models for predicting flood waves generated by failures or dysfunctions occuring on a complex of dams. In Proceedings of the 32nd IAHR Biennial Congress - Harmonizing the demands from art and nature.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2007). Dam rehabilitation study with process oriented numerical flow models. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dam Engineering (pp. 187-194). LNEC.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). Decision making numerical tools for the rehabilitation of hydraulic structures - Application to the Nisramont dam in Belgium. In Proceedings of the ICOLD 22th Congress.
Peer reviewed

Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). Modelling flood events using high resolution digital elevation models and considering the sediment interaction with constructions in floodplains. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). Numerical tools for dam break risk assessment: validation and application to a large complex of dams. In H. Hewlett, Improvements in reservoir construction, operation and maintenance (pp. 272-282). London, United Kingdom: Thomas Telford.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). Experimental and numerical investigations to assess and mitigate sedimentation problems: application to a large dam in India. In Proceedings of the 7th National Congress on theoretical and applied Mechanics.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). 1D and 2D solvers coupling for free surface flow modelling. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). Fluid - structure interaction modeling with a coupled 1D - 2D free surface flow solver. In Proceedings of Riverflow 2006.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). Theoretical and numerical analysis of the hydrodynamic waves induced by dam breaks and their interaction with structures located downstream. In Proceedings of the 7th National Congress on theoretical and applied Mechanics.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2005). Optimisation of hydroelectric power stations operations with WOLF package. In K. Repp, T. Westeren, O. T. Sandlund, ... L. Fjellvaer, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hydropower - The backbone of sustainable energy supply.
Peer reviewed

Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Khuat Duy, B., & Pirotton, M. (2005). Modern techniques for flood risk analysis: quasi-3D simulations in a GIS environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7 (09348).
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2005). Numerical tools for the optimization of hydroelectric power stations in cascade. In E. Dick, M. Hogge, ... R. Van Keer, Proceedings of the 3rd Internationale Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Khuat Duy, B., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2005). Modelling suspended load with moment equations and linear concentration profiles. In S. Raghay, D. Ouazar, ... F. Benkhaldoun, Finite volumes for complex applications (pp. 389-400).
Peer reviewed

Khuat Duy, B., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2005). Numerical modelling with Wolf2D of the sedimentation problem at the entrance of a lock on the river Meuse. In E. Dick, M. Hogge, ... R. Van Keer, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Khuat Duy, B., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2005). Modelling suspended load transport with linear concentration profiles. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology.
Peer reviewed

Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2004). New trends in flood risk analysis: working with 2D flow models, laser DEM and a GIS environment. In M. Greco, A. Carravetta, ... R. Della Morte, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics: River Flow 2004 (volume II, pp. 1395-1401). A.A. Balkema Publishers.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Fraikin, C., & Pirotton, M. (2004). Large scale 2D numerical modelling of reservoirs sedimentation and flushing operations. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on River Sedimentation.
Peer reviewed

Pirotton, M., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Dewals, B. (2004). Approche unifiée des interactions entre l'hydrodynamique et le milieu naturel ou construit: exemples d'applications expérimentales et numériques. In Actes des 5èmes journées scientifiques et techniques du CETMEF.
Peer reviewed

Fraikin, C., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2004). Modelling of the wave propagation, the coastal currents and the induced topographic changes. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on River Sedimentation.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Fraikin, C., & Pirotton, M. (2004). Global design of hydraulic structures optimised with physically based flow solvers on multiblock structured grids. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on River Sedimentation.
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2004). Computation of the Malpasset dam break with a 2D conservative flow solver on a multiblock structured grid. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Hydroinformatics (pp. 277-284).
Peer reviewed

Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2004). A set of efficient numerical tools for floodplain modelling. In G. H. Jirka & W. S. J. Uijttewaal, Shallow flows (pp. 549-557). Leiden, Netherlands: Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2004). Comparative analysis of the predictive capacity of breaching models for an overtopped rockfill dam. In Proceedings of the International Workshop "Stability and Breaching of Embankment Dams".
Peer reviewed

Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Fraikin, C., & Pirotton, M. (2004). Scale modelling and similarity laws for the study of an under pressure settling structure. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on River Sedimentation.
Peer reviewed

Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2003). Development and application of a 2D free-surface solver for modelling landslide-generated waves in the general framework of dam-break flood propagation [Paper presentation]. Tsunami Workshop Information, University of Hawaii, United States.

Pirotton, M., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Fraikin, C., & Dewals, B. (2003). Le modèle WOLF : outil de modélisation d'écoulement de crue, de dimensionnement et de gestion des ouvrages hydrauliques. In Actes du colloque annuel du CEBEDEAU : Gestion des eaux pluviales et assainissement.
Peer reviewed

Oral communications or posters

Dewals, B., Huismans, Stilmant, F., Detrembleur, S., Becker, B., Moeskops, S., de Keizer, O., Vanneuville, W., Buiteveld, H., Pirotton, M., & Archambeau, P. (September 2013). Hydraulic modelling of the river Meuse [Paper presentation]. International symposium on the hydrological modelling of the Meuse basin, Liege, Belgium.

Dewals, B., Huismans, Y., Detrembleur, S., Becker, B., Moeskops, S., Erpicum, S., de Keizer, O., Vanneuville, W., Buiteveld, H., Pirotton, M., & Archambeau, P. (22 March 2013). Scientific basis for transnational flood management in the Meuse basin [Paper presentation]. Final conference of the project CEFRAME: CEframe: Central European Flood Risk Assessment and Management in CENTROPE, St-Pölten, Austria.

Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (October 2012). Modélisation numérique hydrosédimentaire au service de la gestion durable des sédiments [Paper presentation]. Congrès de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale, Caen, France.

Beckers, A., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Gouverneur, L., Dujardin, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (27 April 2012). Relative impacts of climate and landuse changes on future flood damage along River Meuse in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. European Geoscience Union general assembly 2012, Vienne, Austria.

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (23 April 2012). Benefit of using flood risk analysis at the micro level for evaluating local protection measures [Paper presentation]. 12th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2012, Grenoble, France.

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., & Pirotton, M. (16 December 2010). Impact of Climate change on inundation hazard along river Meuse [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Effect of climate change on inundation hazard in the Meuse basin, Liege, Belgium.

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (25 October 2010). Flood risk analysis in Wallonia: micro (and meso-)scale approaches [Paper presentation]. Workshop Floods and Economics, Ghent, Belgium.

Dewals, B., Ernst, J., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (20 May 2010). Inondations en aval ... Impacts, risque et mesures de protection / gestion [Paper presentation]. Journées Européennes des Parcs naturels, Eupen, Belgium.

Detrembleur, S., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (May 2010). A 2D vertical model for incompressibleflows, using a level set free surface tracking [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2010 (ICMF-2010), Tampa, United States.

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (22 April 2010). Flood Protection Design Based on Micro-scale Risk Modelling [Poster presentation]. Third International Meuse Symposium, The Meuse district : challenges for tomorrow, Liège, Belgium.

Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Ernst, J., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (22 April 2010). Steady and unsteady inundation modeling based on high resolution topographic data [Poster presentation]. 3ème Symposium international de la Meuse, Liège, Belgium.

Dewals, B., Ernst, J., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (06 October 2009). Considered flood protections for river Ourthe and their expected impact on flood risk [Paper presentation]. 5th workshop of the ADAPT project: Towards an integrated decision tool for adaptation measures (case study: floods), Leuven, Belgium.

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (12 June 2009). A risk-based approach for designing climate-proof flood protection [Poster presentation]. Developing Countries facing Global Warming: a Post-Kyoto Assessment, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (14 October 2008). Detailed 2D hydrodynamic modelling as an onset for evaluating socio-economic impacts of floods [Poster presentation]. Conférence Eau et Changement Climatique, Antwerpen, Belgium.

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (02 October 2008). Integration of Accurate 2D Inundation Modelling, Vector Land Use Database and Economic Evaluation [Poster presentation]. Flood Risk 2008: The European Conference on Flood Risk Management - Research into practice, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Ernst, J., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (29 January 2008). Innovative WOLF modules devoted to environmental investigations of hydrodynamics 2D modelling [Poster presentation]. ENVITAM, 2nd PhD day, Liège, Belgium.

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Ernst, J., & Pirotton, M. (10 January 2008). Hydrodynamic modelling, damage evaluation and technical adaptation measures [Paper presentation]. 3rd workshop of the ADAPT project: Towards an integrated decision tool for adaptation measures (case study: floods), Liège, Belgium.

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Smolders, L., & Pirotton, M. (01 June 2007). Hydraulic modelling along river Ourthe [Paper presentation]. 2nd workshop of the ADAPT project: Towards an integrated decision tool for adaptation measures (case study: floods), Leuven, Belgium.

Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2007). Predicting and managing reservoir sedimentation in a hydropower project [Poster presentation]. 32nd IAHR Biennial Congress - Harmonizing the demands from art and nature, Venise, Italy.

Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Smolders, L., & Pirotton, M. (29 September 2006). Numerical and experimental research in river hydrodynamics and hydraulic engineering : Contributions to ADAPT Project [Paper presentation]. 1st workshop of the ADAPT project: Towards an integrated decision tool for adaptation measures (case study: floods), Brussels, Belgium.

Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2006). Gestion qualitative et quantitative de cours d’eau par modélisations hydrodynamiques et sédimentaires [Poster presentation]. Scaldit Final Workshop, Mechelen, Belgium.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2012). On the advantage of using risk curves to assess flood protection measures. In S. Mambretti (Ed.), Environmental Risk (pp. 71-81). WIT.

Ernst, J., Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Integrated flood risk analysis for assessing flood protection strategies. In G. Tagelsir (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Hydroinformatics: Technologies Theories and Applications (pp. 244-263). Hershey, United States: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-61520-907-1.ch012
Peer reviewed

Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2008). An explicit projection method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In S. Pagliara (Ed.), Hydraulic Structures. Pisa, Italy: Edizioni Plus - Pisa university press.

Kerger, F., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., & Pirotton, M. (2008). An experimental and numerical analysis of effects induced by moving bodies in free surface water. In Pagliara Stefano (Ed.), Hydraulic Structures (pp. 179-189). Pisa, Italy: Pisa University Press.

Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., & Pirotton, M. (2008). An explicit projection method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In S. Pagliara, Hydraulic Structures (pp. 227-235). Pisa, Italy: Pisa University Press.

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Detrembleur, S. (2012). Modèles d'écoulements incompressibles en plan vertical appliqués aux structures du génie civil [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Master dissertations

Detrembleur, S. (2003). Elaboration d'outils intégrés de gestion des données topographiques et morphologiques pour la modélisation des crues et inondations [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Detrembleur, S. (2002). Etude des hydrogrammes de surverse et de la ruine des barrages consécutives à des glissements de terrain dans la retenue [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Expert reports

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2012). Marché de services pour l'établissement de cartes de zones d'inondations par des méthodes hydrauliques.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2011). Evaluation de l’impact hydrodynamique généré par des mesures de protection contre les crues sur la Dendre à Deux-Acren.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2011). Etude de l’amélioration des conditions d’écoulement du Bocq en amont d’Yvoir.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2011). Evaluation de l’impact hydrodynamique généré par l’implantation du RAVeL à Hony.

Dewals, B., Detrembleur, S., Archambeau, P., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Ecoulements de matériaux induits par une rupture du terril de la Hénâ. Liege, Belgium: ULg.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Evaluation de l’impact hydrodynamique généré par la modification d’un seuil fixe à Marchienne-au-Pont.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Evaluation de l'impact hydrodynamique généré par le stockage de la turbine mobile du seuil des Grosses Battes.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Marché des services pour l'établissement de cartes de zones d'inondations par des méthodes hydrauliques.

Detrembleur, S., Pirotton, M., Archambeau, P., & Brouwers, A. (2010). Marché des services pour l'établissement de cartes de zones d'inondations par des méthodes hydrauliques. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Impact hydrodynamique de la modification de la rive gauche de la Meuse à Sclayn.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Appui lors de la conception et simulation de l'impact de la solution retenue pour l'aménagement en rive droite de la Meuse à Dinant.

Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2010). Marché de services pour l’étude de l’impact hydraulique de la rupture du barrage de la Gileppe et de Nisramont.

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2009). Marché des services pour l'établissement de cartes de zones d'inondations par des méthodes hydrauliques. (6ème année).

Detrembleur, S., & Pirotton, M. (2009). Evaluation de l'impact hydrodynamique induit par l'aménagement d'un site industriel à Lessines.

Pirotton, M., Detrembleur, S., & Archambeau, P. (2008). Arrêté de subvention au Centre Crescendeau de l’ULg en vue de la cartographie des zones d’inondations de Wallonie (22 Mai 2003). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2008). Marché des services pour l'établissement de cartes de zones d'inondations par des méthodes hydrauliques. (5ème année). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2008). Impact généré en Meuse par la construction d'une station de pompage de l'entreprise Biowanze. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2008). Avant-projet d’aménagement hydraulique sur la Vesdre en amont de Chaudfontaine. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2007). Construction d'un remblai pour la route nationale 5 à Couvin. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Detrembleur, S., & Archambeau, P. (2007). Arrêté de subvention au Centre Crescendeau de l'ULg en vue de la cartographie des zones d'inondations de Wallonie (22 mai 2003). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2007). Evaluation de l'impact de la construction d'une centrale d'épuration à Aywaille. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2007). Marché de services pour l'établissement de cartes de zones d'inondations par des méthodes hydrauliques. (4ème année). liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2007). Etude hydraulique des mesures de protection contre les inondations à Moyen sur la Semois. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2007). Etude hydrodynamique de l'écoulement du Houyoux dans sa partie en pertuis. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2007). Etude de l'impact hydraulique de la construction d'un centre commercial enjambant la Vesdre à Verviers : complément d'étude. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Detrembleur, S., & Archambeau, P. (2006). Etude hydraulique de l'impact généré par l'aménagement d'un mur anti-crues en rive droite à Comblain-au-Pont (partim modélisation quasi 3D). Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Detrembleur, S., & Archambeau, P. (2006). Arrêté de subvention au Centre Crescendeau de l’ULg en vue de la cartographie des zones d’inondations de Wallonie (22 Mai 2003). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2006). Etude hydrodynamique des inondations sur la Rulles à Rulles. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2006). Etude hydrodynamique des mesures de réduction des inondations sur la Rulles à Rulles. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2006). Marché de services pour l'établissement de cartes de zones d'inondations par des méthodes hydrauliques. (3ème année). Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2006). Etude hydraulique de l'impact généré par la construction d'un centre commercial enjambant la Vesdre à Verviers. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Archambeau, P., & Detrembleur, S. (2006). Etude hydraulique de l'impact généré par l'aménagement d'un mur anti-crues en rive droite à Comblain-au-Pont (partim modélisation hydrologique). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2005). Etude numérique des courants d'approche dans le réservoir du barrage de Koniambo (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2005). Détermination du niveau des eaux lors de la crue centennale en aval de Ham-sur-Heure. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2005). Etude hydraulique de l'impact généré par la modification du lit mineur de l'Eau d'Heure à Ham-sur-Heure. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2005). Etude hydraulique de l'impact généré par l'implantation d'une station d'épuration à Ham-sur-Heure. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Detrembleur, S., & Archambeau, P. (2005). Arrêté de subvention au Centre Crescendeau de l’ULg en vue de la cartographie des zones d’inondations de Wallonie. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2005). Quatrièeme écluse de Lanaye - Manoeuvre de la porte clapet amont - Efforts hydrodynamiques. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Detrembleur, S., & Archambeau, P. (2004). Détermination de la relation hauteur-volume de bassins écrêteurs sur l'Ourthe. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Lejeune, A., Pirotton, M., Legrand, M., Detrembleur, S., Erpicum, S., & Topliceanu, I. (2004). Etude sur modèle réduit hydraulique de l'évacuateur de crues du barrage de Pouembout - Projet Koniambo (Nouvelle Calédonie). Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2004). Etudes sur modèle numérique hydraulique du barrage de Tabelout (Algérie). Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., & Detrembleur, S. (2004). Evaluation de l'impact de l'aménagement des abords de l'Ourthe à Tilff. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Detrembleur, S., & Archambeau, P. (2004). Marché de services pour l'établissement de cartes de zones d'inondations par des méthodes hydrauliques. (1ère année). Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Detrembleur, S., & Archambeau, P. (2004). Arrêté de subvention au Centre Crescendeau de l’ULg en vue de la cartographie des zones d’inondations de Wallonie (22 Mai 2003). Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Pirotton, M., Mouzelard, T., & Detrembleur, S. (2003). Etude de l'impact sur l'aval de circonstances exceptionnelles d'exploitation ou de la rupture du barrage de l'Eau d'Heure. Liege, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

Pirotton, M., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., & Detrembleur, S. (2006). Modélisation hydrodynamique des zones inondables en Région wallonne. Cahiers de l'Urbanisme, 72-88.

Pirotton, M., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Detrembleur, S., Fraikin, C., & Dewals, B. (2004). Le modèle WOLF : outil de modélisation d'écoulement de crue, de dimensionnement et de gestion des ouvrages hydrauliques. Tribune de l'Eau, 56 (624/4), 13-24.

Computer developments

Pirotton, M., Archambeau, P., Mouzelard, T., Erpicum, S., Dewals, B., & Detrembleur, S. (2000). Modelling system WOLF.

Speeches and writings for a general audience


Paulus, R., Detrembleur, S., Ernst, J., Khuat Duy, B., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., & Dewals, B. (2009). From Hydrology to Detailed Risk Analysis, a Consistent Micro-Scale Approach [Paper presentation]. SUDEM-CL Research Project, Anvers, Belgium.

Contact ORBi